
Demolición en Japón

Demolición de un edificio en Japón...


Green in New Orleans... BP

El show de Ellen DeGeneres me parece muy bueno, esta entrevista no la agrego solo por Brand Pitt sino por las especificaciones que hace del proyecto de reconstrucción por el Huracán Katrina


Greening la Casa Blanca... y Los Pinos para cuando??

Barack Obama Making Plans To Green The White House

In an interview with Barbara Walters this evening, President-elect Barack Obama mentioned that he plans on “greening” the White House. Obama said he plans to sit down with the chief usher for the presidential mansion and do an evaluation of its energy efficiency. He says part of what he wants to do is show the American people that it’s not that hard to go green.

Since he already turns off the lights (and unplugs energy-wasting electronics when not in use) at his current home in Chicago, he feels there’s no reason why the same can’t be done at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Not since President Jimmy Carter threw some solar panels on top of the White House has an incoming President shown such interest in serving as a “green” example to Americans. So refreshing to see a leader actually serve as a role model for a change, isn’t it?

On 54 days, everyone.

go Green!!! (don´t forget the blue!)

"So now we finally have the nation's first black president and what's he do? He's going to go green," 
...intones D.J. Lemon, a New York-based comedian at his showcase at L.A.'s Laugh Lounge.

Report: McCain Has 13 Cars, Obama 1... at abcnews

McCain has a 2004 Cadillac CTS, a 2007 half-ton Ford pickup truck, a 1960 Willys Jeep, a 2008 Jeep Wranger among other American cars. He's got a few foreign vehicles in his fleet as well, owning a 2005 Volkswagen convertible and a 2001 Honda sedan.

The only vehicle registered in Obama's name is a 2008 Ford Escape hybrid.

mmm para híbridos prefiero por mil veces el Toyota Prius!

a Prius Hybrid which is modeling an Obama bumber sticker

Can Obama Save the U.S. Auto Industry by Greening It on Day One?

Can Detroit Retool with Plug-in Hybrids, Higher Gas Mileage Cars and Other Innovations?


Blue is the new green... NewYorkTimes...

Because water is cheap (at least for now) and seemingly in infinite supply, efforts to improve its use — or deter its overuse — have been inadequate. And it’s not just water itself that’s being wasted: there’s the energy required to transport and deliver it (particularly in such cases as Atlanta’s bizarre arrangement to get its water from Alabama and Florida, or any of us buying bottled water from Fiji). But there are innovations, large and small, now available that would provide for systematic management and optimization of our nation’s water.

Moving from "green" as mode to "blue" as need...

Allison Arieff, November 20, 2008, 10:00 PM, By DESIGN, http://arieff.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/20/blue-is-the-new-green/?dpc

Ayer andaba en el super con mi mamá y descubrí q ya venden el agua de Fiji (no puedo mentir que la botella tan divinamente diseñada me atrae y apenas alcanzo resistirme a comprarla http://www.fijiwater.com/
... hay q pensar, aparte de no utilizar esa botella de pet q irá a la basura seguramente, porque traer agua desde tan lejos?? q cantidad gigantesca de embodied energy contendrá cada botellita de $17 pesos(!)????


The story of stuff

agrego las 3 partes para q puedas verlas juntas.  Dura como 20 min y vale mucho la pena...

.:Consumo en Masa:.

Esto es algo que vimos de niños.. y luego? porque no aprendimos sobre el consumo en masa...


Green politics

For 150 years, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and its members have advocated for policies that benefit the built environment. This election year is no different, as the AIA has launched DesignVote08, a national non-partisan program to bolster awareness surrounding the impact of buildings on our environment. Check this out at http://www.aia.org/designvote

3 questions:
What would u say is the largest producer of green house gasses emission? Buildings or cars?
Which Presidential candidate do you think would have the greatest effect on energy efficiency legislation?
What do you think the next President could do to help architects, the building and construction industry to reduce these carbon emissions?

I think this topic (green house gasses emissions) must be extremly relevant when u American vote... 


Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050

• Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. 
• Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.


Cleantech and Green Business for Obama (CT4O) is a self-organized constituency group supporting the Obama campaign. It is composed of cleantech and green business professionals from around the country who, acting solely as volunteers, have organized to spearhead fundraising and outreach nationwide in this emerging economic sector. 

A good comparision between both

A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll at the University of Maryland reveals that both Obama and McCain supporters favor stronger energy and environmental policies than are currently endorsed by either campaign:

'Good' energy policy is fairly clear. The USA needs to reduce oil dependence from Middle Eastern and Venezuelan oil suppliers, particularly for oil, and the USA needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

(at The Huffington Post)

Climate Consensus Obscures Obama, McCain Differences

“Between the two candidates, the devil's in the details,” notes Tufts economist Gilbert Metcalf.  “Obama wants to auction all the permits and use the revenue for energy efficiency, R&D and other purposes [while] McCain wants to give the bulk of the permits away initially — this is the $100 billion difference between the candidates.”

seen in CNBC

mm McCain? I wont talk about him... let's talk about Sarah Palin...

Sarah Palin: Making John McCain Look Like Al Gore?



This picture was part of Muenster`s (Germany) advertising campaign, in which they compare the space used by various modes of travel and the advantages of using public transit and bicycling. The campaign compared the amount of space needed to transport 72 people with the following statistics:
Bicycle: 72 people are transported on 72 bikes, which requires 90 square meters.
Car: Based on an average occupancy of 1.2 people per car, 60 cars are needed to transport 72 people, which takes 1,000 square meters.
Bus: 72 people can be transported on 1 bus, which only requires 30 square meters of space and no permanent parking space, since it can be parked elsewhere.

Photo is from "Program fahrradfreundliche Stadt Muenster"



Leí este artículo... les presento solo el principio con los datos q seguro los dejarán "picados"...  visto en Optimum Population Trust

Defining an optimum population

An ‘optimum’ population, in dictionary terms, is the ‘best or most favourable’ population. But a dictionary cannot tell the whole story. Best for what purpose, and best according to which criteria? For OPT, a green think tank, an optimum population means, at its simplest, a population size which is environmentally sustainable in the long term, affords people a good quality of life, has adequate renewable and non-renewable resources necessary for its long-term survival and consumes or recycles them to ensure it will not compromise the long-term survival of its progeny.

Few would argue with the statement that ‘population cannot continue to increase indefinitely’. But how do we define the limit? Using a tool called Ecological Footprinting*, which provides a snapshot of human ecological impact under given circumstances, it is possible to throw some light on this question.

(* Ecological footprinting data given in this paper have been taken from Global Footprinting Network research published in the WWF Living Planet Report 2006, using 2003 data.)

A sustainable population for Earth

  1. Assuming the global biocapacity and average footprint [F1] remain stable at the 2003 level, then, to become sustainable, the world population needs to contract to a maximum of 5.1 billion.
  2. For a ‘modest’ world footprint of 3.3 gha/cap (without allowances for biodiversity or change of biocapacity), the sustainable population is 3.4 billion.
  3. For a ‘modest’ world footprint of 3.3 gha/cap, plus a 12% allowance for biodiversity (but none for attrition of biocapacity), the sustainable population is 3.0 billion.
  4. For a ‘modest’ world footprint of 3.3 gha/cap, plus a 20% margin for biodiversity and attrition of biocapacity then the sustainable population is 2.7 billion.

y cúantos somos actualmente?  con un crecimiento exponencial de cuánto...

As of September 2008, the world's population is estimated to be just over 6.725 billion.
The world's population, on its current growth trajectory, is expected to reach nearly 9 billion by the year 2042.

The 15 most populous nations

The 15 most populous nations
The 15 most populous nations

Approximately 4300 million people live in these 15 countries, representing roughly two-thirds of the world's population. If added together, all nations in the European Union, with 494 million people – about 7.3% of world's population in 2006 – would be third in the list below.

(of world)
United States3044.56%


Tienes una idea para ayudar al planeta?? (google rocks!)

El proyecto 10100 es una convocatoria de ideas para cambiar el mundo y ayudar a la mayor cantidad de personas posible.

Fecha límite de presentación: 
20 de octubre de 2008

Destinaremos 10 millones de dólares a la ejecución de estos proyectos, siendo nuestro objetivo final ayudar a la mayor cantidad de personas. El dinero puede ser una motivación, pero la idea es lo realmente importante.

Buena suerte y que gane el que más ayude.

Hay varias categorías: comunidad, oportunidad, energía, medio ambiente, salud educación, hogar y "miscelánea"... 


  • Alcance: ¿A cuántas personas afectaría esta idea?
  • Impacto: ¿Qué impacto tendrán en las personas? ¿Es urgente cubrir esta necesidad? Explícalo.
  • Posibilidad de realización: ¿Se puede ejecutar esta idea dentro de un año o dos?
  • Eficacia: ¿Es simple y rentable tu idea? Explícalo.
  • Efecto: ¿Cuánto durarán los resultados de esta idea?

Me parece una oportunidad genial para todos los que siempre andamos opinando y criticando y parece q nadie nos pela... ahora tenemos el chance y hay una gran cantidad de dinero q apoyará nuestras ideas!!!!!!!!!

suerteeeeeeeee   (link)