
The story of stuff

agrego las 3 partes para q puedas verlas juntas.  Dura como 20 min y vale mucho la pena...

.:Consumo en Masa:.

Esto es algo que vimos de niños.. y luego? porque no aprendimos sobre el consumo en masa...


Green politics

For 150 years, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and its members have advocated for policies that benefit the built environment. This election year is no different, as the AIA has launched DesignVote08, a national non-partisan program to bolster awareness surrounding the impact of buildings on our environment. Check this out at http://www.aia.org/designvote

3 questions:
What would u say is the largest producer of green house gasses emission? Buildings or cars?
Which Presidential candidate do you think would have the greatest effect on energy efficiency legislation?
What do you think the next President could do to help architects, the building and construction industry to reduce these carbon emissions?

I think this topic (green house gasses emissions) must be extremly relevant when u American vote... 


Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050

• Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. 
• Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.


Cleantech and Green Business for Obama (CT4O) is a self-organized constituency group supporting the Obama campaign. It is composed of cleantech and green business professionals from around the country who, acting solely as volunteers, have organized to spearhead fundraising and outreach nationwide in this emerging economic sector. 

A good comparision between both

A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll at the University of Maryland reveals that both Obama and McCain supporters favor stronger energy and environmental policies than are currently endorsed by either campaign:

'Good' energy policy is fairly clear. The USA needs to reduce oil dependence from Middle Eastern and Venezuelan oil suppliers, particularly for oil, and the USA needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

(at The Huffington Post)

Climate Consensus Obscures Obama, McCain Differences

“Between the two candidates, the devil's in the details,” notes Tufts economist Gilbert Metcalf.  “Obama wants to auction all the permits and use the revenue for energy efficiency, R&D and other purposes [while] McCain wants to give the bulk of the permits away initially — this is the $100 billion difference between the candidates.”

seen in CNBC

mm McCain? I wont talk about him... let's talk about Sarah Palin...

Sarah Palin: Making John McCain Look Like Al Gore?