
Architect Lord Foster to lay off 350 workers

Cómo afecta la crisis a la construcción...

Dos amigos en México que trabajan en despachos muy grandes de arquitectura me contaban que han despedido un 60% aprox de los empleados pues ese mismo porcentaje de proyectos es el que les han dejado en stand by... 


Lord Foster, Britain's most successful architect of recent times, is to lay off almost 350 employees as his global design empire feels the bite of the economic downturn.

The designer behind the Swiss Re "gherkin" skyscraper in London, the world's largest airport at Beijing and plans for the first ever zero-carbon city in Abu Dhabi has abandoned his pledge that his practice would not cut staff.

Offices in Berlin and Istanbul which serviced the firm's growing portfolio of work in Russia and Kazakhstan will close completely and redundancies are expected at many of the other 15 offices around the world. The 1,000 staff at the Thameside office in west London could be hard hit. Only the branch in Abu Dhabi is still growing and looks likely to be spared.

The announcement came in a letter to staff which reported "a significant decline in work within the practice". For example, the Foster-designed 600m tall Russia Tower in Moscow was halted recently due to lack of funding.

Mouzhan Majidi, chief executive, said: "A number of our international clients have fallen victim to the current economic climate and as a result some of their projects have been delayed or cancelled."

The cuts came as a shock to staff, especially as Foster said in October that he did not foresee any job cuts at the company. "It is a horrible atmosphere," one member of staff said.

The cuts are the biggest yet in the UK architectural profession, which is reeling from the recession. Architects are signing on for jobseeker's allowance at a faster rate than any other occupation, according to Building Design. In the last quarter of 2008, 870 architects claimed jobseeker's allowance for the first time - more than six times the number a year before.


Demolición en Japón

Demolición de un edificio en Japón...


Green in New Orleans... BP

El show de Ellen DeGeneres me parece muy bueno, esta entrevista no la agrego solo por Brand Pitt sino por las especificaciones que hace del proyecto de reconstrucción por el Huracán Katrina


Greening la Casa Blanca... y Los Pinos para cuando??

Barack Obama Making Plans To Green The White House

In an interview with Barbara Walters this evening, President-elect Barack Obama mentioned that he plans on “greening” the White House. Obama said he plans to sit down with the chief usher for the presidential mansion and do an evaluation of its energy efficiency. He says part of what he wants to do is show the American people that it’s not that hard to go green.

Since he already turns off the lights (and unplugs energy-wasting electronics when not in use) at his current home in Chicago, he feels there’s no reason why the same can’t be done at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Not since President Jimmy Carter threw some solar panels on top of the White House has an incoming President shown such interest in serving as a “green” example to Americans. So refreshing to see a leader actually serve as a role model for a change, isn’t it?

On 54 days, everyone.

go Green!!! (don´t forget the blue!)

"So now we finally have the nation's first black president and what's he do? He's going to go green," 
...intones D.J. Lemon, a New York-based comedian at his showcase at L.A.'s Laugh Lounge.

Report: McCain Has 13 Cars, Obama 1... at abcnews

McCain has a 2004 Cadillac CTS, a 2007 half-ton Ford pickup truck, a 1960 Willys Jeep, a 2008 Jeep Wranger among other American cars. He's got a few foreign vehicles in his fleet as well, owning a 2005 Volkswagen convertible and a 2001 Honda sedan.

The only vehicle registered in Obama's name is a 2008 Ford Escape hybrid.

mmm para híbridos prefiero por mil veces el Toyota Prius!

a Prius Hybrid which is modeling an Obama bumber sticker

Can Obama Save the U.S. Auto Industry by Greening It on Day One?

Can Detroit Retool with Plug-in Hybrids, Higher Gas Mileage Cars and Other Innovations?


Blue is the new green... NewYorkTimes...

Because water is cheap (at least for now) and seemingly in infinite supply, efforts to improve its use — or deter its overuse — have been inadequate. And it’s not just water itself that’s being wasted: there’s the energy required to transport and deliver it (particularly in such cases as Atlanta’s bizarre arrangement to get its water from Alabama and Florida, or any of us buying bottled water from Fiji). But there are innovations, large and small, now available that would provide for systematic management and optimization of our nation’s water.

Moving from "green" as mode to "blue" as need...

Allison Arieff, November 20, 2008, 10:00 PM, By DESIGN, http://arieff.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/20/blue-is-the-new-green/?dpc

Ayer andaba en el super con mi mamá y descubrí q ya venden el agua de Fiji (no puedo mentir que la botella tan divinamente diseñada me atrae y apenas alcanzo resistirme a comprarla http://www.fijiwater.com/
... hay q pensar, aparte de no utilizar esa botella de pet q irá a la basura seguramente, porque traer agua desde tan lejos?? q cantidad gigantesca de embodied energy contendrá cada botellita de $17 pesos(!)????


The story of stuff

agrego las 3 partes para q puedas verlas juntas.  Dura como 20 min y vale mucho la pena...